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News & Stories


Creating a Piece of History

From the Pentagon tragedy on 9/11, to deployment in Iraq, to a class of 3rd graders in New Jersey ... the journey of one proud United States Marine through a dramatic sequence of events that changed America and led to the creation of a unique Marine Corps Veteran's ring ...

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50th Anniversary of Combat Troops Leaving Vietnam

On January 27th, 1973 the United States and the other three official combatants of the Vietnam War signed the Paris Peace Accords, providing for the withdrawal of U.S. forces within 60 days, and the implementation of a ceasefire within South Vietnam. On March 29th, 1973 United States Combat Forces ceased operations and left Vietnam, coinciding with the release of all remaining POWs from North Vietnamese prison camps.

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Celebrating Armed Forces Day

Among the many honored military holidays celebrated each year is Armed Forces Day. Celebrated on the third Saturday in May, Armed Forces Day falls during Military Appreciation Month and joins Memorial Day, Military Spouse Appreciation Day and Victory in Europe Day (V-E Day) as another special May military-themed holiday.

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